Feelin’ the Bern

Feelin’ the Bern

The Bernie Sanders Rally took place in Washington Square Park in New York City in June. It was a very peaceful and interesting rally. At that time there was great hope that Bernie would be the Democratic nominee to run for President of the United States. Unfortunately, this didn’t happen. There has been a bit of press lately that the DNC kept Bernie from achieving this. Who knows! So now Bernie is urging people to vote for Hillary Clinton as opposed to Donald Trump. OY!! Politics is complicated! The following posts are drawings from the Bernie Sanders Rally that I attended with Veronica Lawlor, a fellow artist and member of studio1482. As I said, it was a great afternoon of reportage drawing. Enjoyed every minute of it!

Still feelin’ the Bern!!

m. hurst


Waiting in line to enter the park.



Close ups of those waiting in line with us as we near Washington Sq. Park.


The crowd and the media await the arrival of Bernie Sanders.




The police making sure all is safe and secure.




Bernie finally speaks! The hands do all the talking!!




Support for Bernie while he talks about his beliefs and hopes for the future of the United States!

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